Advice + Tips

Even the most seasoned parent needs a little help dealing with common parenting issues. We’ve provided a great range of advice + tips for all those challenging situations.

Parents + Carers

Being a parent is a universal experience for many people. While each child (and their family) is unique, there are many common themes.


Becoming a new parent can be a highly emotional time, bringing with it an array of feelings including excitement, fatigue, joy, nerves and even fear. It is not uncommon for it to take a while for parents to settle into their new role as there is a lot to learn!  The most important task at this early stage is for parents to spend plenty of time gazing, cuddling and talking to bub so that they can get to know them and form the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Toddlers + Preschoolers

Parenting a toddler takes a lot of energy and patience but efforts at this age are not without reward as children grow.

School-age Children

While toddlers and preschoolers need constant supervision, school-age children become gradually ready for more independence.  However, learning to make good choices and exercise self-discipline does not come easily for many.


Adolescence is a time of change for parents and children. Teenagers want more independence and the chance to test out their own values and beliefs. As teenagers choose to spend more time with their friends, parents can worry that they are losing the closeness they enjoyed in earlier years. Parent Line can help parents navigate this confusing and challenging developmental stage.

Parenting a Child with a Disability

Parenting is rewarding, yet can be challenging at times. Parenting a child with additional support needs can also place extra strain on the family. Parents and carers of children with a disability can call our counsellors for support with a wide range of concerns.

24 Hour Emergency Contacts

For immediate parenting help outside of our counselling hours:

24 Hour Emergency Contact Numbers

Family & Community Services Reporting Line 132 111
Lifeline 13 11 14
Police 000
Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511
Health Direct 1800 022 222

For Domestic and Family Violence Support

Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463
Women's Legal Service NSW 1800 801 501
Indigenous Women's Legal Contact Line 1800 639 784
Men's Referral Service 1300 766 491

Parent Line is funded by the NSW Government through The Department of Communities and Justice. Parent Line is proudly managed by CatholicCare Sydney.

Parent Line acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

Parentline 1300 1300 52